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High Purity Silicon Tetrachloride (SiCl4) Specialty Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Silicon Tetrachloride
  • DOT Classification 8 ( Corrosive Material )
  • DOT Label Corrosive
  • UN Number UN 1818
  • CAS No. 1026-04-7
  • Shipped as Liquefied Gas

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product description

Purity , % 99.94
Resistivity   ≥ 300 ohm-cm
Boron  ≤ 0.3 ppba silicon 
Aluminum ≤ 50 ppbw
Carbon ≤ 1.0 ppma 
Iron ≤ 50  ppbw
Other Chlorosilane  ≤ 600 ppm

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Liquid
Flammable Limits In Air  Non-flammable 
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C ) -
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 169.89
Specific gravity (air =1) 5.889
Critical Temperature ( °C ) 233.85
Critical Pressure ( psig ) 529.05


Silicon Tetrachloride is a corrosive , colorless, nonflammable liquid with a suffocating odor . The vapors are irritating to the mucous membranes and form dense fumes when exposed to humid air . It hydrolyses rapidly in moist air , releasing hydrogen chloride.

Silicon tetrachloride is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of polysilicon, a hyper-pure form of silicon,since it has a boiling point convenient for purification by repeated fractional distillation. The produced polysilicon is used as wafers in large amounts by the photovoltaic industry for conventional solar cells made of crystalline silicon and also by the semiconductor industry.Silicon tetrachloride can also be hydrolysed to fumed silica. High purity silicon tetrachloride is used in the manufacture of optical fibres. This grade should be free of hydrogen containing impurities like trichlorosilane. Optical fibres are made using processes like MCVD and OFD where silicon tetrachloride is oxidized to pure silica in the presence of oxygen.As a feedstock in production of fused silica.


● In semiconductor fabrication, applications of epitaxial silicon.

● In semiconductor fabrication, plasma etching of metals.

● In organo silicon processes.

● In the manufacturing of fused silica fiber.


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