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High Purity Trifluoro(iodo)methane (CF3I)

  • CAS No. 2314-97-8
  • Chemical formula CF3I
  • Molar mass 195.91 g/mol
  • Melting point −110 °C (−166 °F; 163 K)
  • Boiling point −22.5 °C (−8.5 °F; 250.7 K)
  • Solubility in water Slightly
  • Vapor pressure 541 kPa

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Component Spec
CF3I 85% 97% 99% 99.90% 99.99%
H2 NA <10ppm <1000ppm <100ppx <10ppm
O2+AR NA <0.25% <1000ppm <100ppx <10ppm
N2 NA <0.5% <1500ppm <150ppx <15ppm
CF3 NA <1.5% <2500ppm <250ppx <15ppm
CO2 NA <0.5% <2500ppm <250ppx <25ppm
CO NA <0.25% <1000ppm <100ppx <10ppm

product description

Trifluoroiodomethane, also referred to as trifluoromethyl iodide is a halomethane with the formula CF3I. It is an experimental alternative to Halon 1301 (CBrF3) in unoccupied areas.It would be used as a gaseous fire suppression flooding agent for in-flight aircraft and electronic equipment fires.


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