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High Purity Boron Trichloride (BCl3) Specialty Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Boron Trichloride
  • DOT Classification 2.3
  • DOT Label Poison Gas/Inhalation Hazard, Corrosive Gas
  • UN Number UN1741
  • CAS No 10294-34-5
  • CGA/DISS/JIS 660/634/W22-14L
  • Shipped as Liquefied Gas

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Purity , % 99.9 99.999
Free chlorine  ≤100 ppmw  
Phosgene  ≤100 ppmw  
Oxygen    ≤1.0 ppmv
Nitrogen   ≤1.0 ppmv
Carbon Dioxide   ≤1.0 ppmv
Carbon Monoxide   ≤1.0 ppmv

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Liquid
Flammable Limits In Air  Non-flammable  
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C ) -
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 117.17
Specific gravity (air =1) 4.04
Critical Temperature ( °C ) 178.8
Critical Pressure ( psig ) 546.6


Boron Trichloride is a colorless, corrosive, nonflammable toxic gas with an irritating, acrid odor, it forms dense fumes in humid air . Boron Trichloride is irritating to the mucous membranes . It hydrolyses in moist air to form hydrogen chloride . It is shipped as a liquefied gas under its own vapor pressure.Boron trichloride is a starting material for the production of elemental boron. It is also used in the refining of aluminium, magnesium, zinc, and copper alloys to remove nitrides, carbides, and oxides from molten metal. It has been used as a soldering flux for alloys of aluminium, iron, zinc, tungsten, and monel. Aluminium castings can be improved by treating the melt with boron trichloride vapors. In the manufacture of electrical resistors, a uniform and lasting adhesive carbon film can be put over a ceramic base using BCl3. It has been used in the field of high energy fuels and rocket propellants as a source of boron to raise BTU value. BCl3 is also used in plasma etching in semiconductor manufacturing. This gas etches metal oxides by formation of a volatile BOClx and MxOyClz compounds.BCl3 is used as a reagent in the synthesis of organic compounds. Like the corresponding bromide, it cleaves C-O bonds in ethers.


● In semiconductor fabrication, boron trichloride is used for p-type diffusion in silicon

● In ion implantation

● In plasma etching of metals

● In various chemical reactions.


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