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High Purity Carbon Tetrafluoride Gas (CF4) Fluorocarbon Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Tetrafluoromethane, Compressed
  • DOT Classification 2.2
  • DOT Label non-flammable Gas
  • UN Number UN1982
  • CAS No. 75-76-0
  • CGA/DISS/JIS 320/716/W22-14L
  • Shipped as Compressed Gas

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Purity , % 99.9 99.999
Oxygen  ≤100 ppmv ≤1.0 ppmv
Nitrogen ≤400 ppmv ≤4.0 ppmv
Carbon Dioxide ≤80 ppmv ≤0.5 ppmv
Carbon Monoxide ≤50 ppmv ≤0.5 ppmv
Methane  ≤50 ppmv ≤0.5 ppmv
Other Halocarbons  ≤100 ppmv ≤2.0 ppmv
Water  ≤10   ppmv ≤2.0   ppmv
Sulfur Hexafluoride  ≤15 ppmv ≤1.0 ppmv
Acidity as HF ≤1.0ppmv ≤0.1ppmv

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Gas
Flammable Limits In Air  Non-flammable 
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C ) -
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 88.01
Specific gravity (air =1) 3.04
Critical Temperature ( °C ) -45.65
Critical Pressure ( psig ) 528.459


Tetrafluoromethane, also known as carbon tetrafluoride or R-14, is the simplest perfluorocarbon (CF4). As its IUPAC name indicates, tetrafluoromethane is the perfluorinated counterpart to the hydrocarbon methane. It can also be classified as a haloalkane or halomethane. Tetrafluoromethane is a useful refrigerant but also a potent greenhouse gas.It has a very high bond strength due to the nature of the carbon–fluorine bond.Carbon tetrafluoride (CF4), also known as tetrafluoromethane, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is a member of the halocarbon family. It is a non-toxic, chemically stable compound that is used in various industrial applications. Carbon tetrafluoride is poorly soluble in water but can dissolve in organic solvents such as ethanol and ether.
CF4 has a relatively low thermal conductivity, which is typical for gases with heavy atoms like fluorine.The viscosity of carbon tetrafluoride is low, similar to other gases, and decreases with increasing temperature.Carbon tetrafluoride is chemically inert under normal conditions and does not react with most substances. However, it can react with highly reactive substances like alkali metals or at high temperatures.CF4 is used as a feedstock gas in the production of various fluoropolymers, which are used to make products like Teflon.It is also used in the semiconductor industry for chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes to etch and deposit thin films on silicon wafers.Carbon tetrafluoride is used as an etching gas in the production of microchips and other microelectronic components.
Although CF4 is non-toxic, it can displace oxygen in the air and lead to asphyxiation if not properly ventilated.It is a potent greenhouse gas and must be handled with care to prevent environmental impact.In summary, the physical properties of carbon tetrafluoride, including its density, phase transition points, solubility, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and chemical inertness, make it a valuable compound in the chemical and semiconductor industries. Its flammability and potential health effects highlight the need for safe handling and use in industrial processes.

One of the largest comsuption kinds of plasma etching gases in microelectronics industry  , also widely used in surface cleaning of electronic device , manufacture of solar cell, laser technology , gas phase insulation , subzero refrigeration , leakage inspection agent and decontaminant of manufacture of printed circuit . 


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