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High Purity Difluoromethane Gas (CH2F2) Fluorocarbon Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Difluoromethane
  • DOT Classification 2.1
  • DOT Label Flammable Gas
  • UN Number UN 3252
  • CAS No. 1975-10-5
  • CGA/DISS/JIS 350/724/W22-14L
  • Shipped as Liquefied Gas

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Purity , % 99.99
Oxygen  ≤10  ppmv
Nitrogen ≤40 ppmv
Carbon Dioxide ≤5 ppmv
Water  ≤15 ppmv
Acidity as HCL ≤0.2 ppmw

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Liquid
Flammable Limits In Air 
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C ) -18
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 52
Specific gravity (air =1) 1.803
Critical Temperature ( °C ) 78.4
Critical Pressure ( psig )


Difluoromethane is a colorless , flammable gas with a slight ether-like odor. It is shipped as a liquefied gas under its own vapor pressure . Difluoromethane, also called difluoromethylene, HFC-32 Methylene Fluoride or R-32, is an organic compound of the dihalogenoalkane variety. It has the formula of CH2F2. It is a colorless gas in the ambient atmosphere and is slightly soluble in water, with a high thermal stability.Due to the low melting and boiling point, (-136.0 °C and -51.6 °C respectively) contact with this compound may result in frostbite.Difluoromethane is commonly used in endothermic processes such as refrigeration or air conditioning.Difluoromethane is primarily synthesized via batch processes, by the reaction of dichloromethane and hydrogen fluoride (HF), in the liquid phase using SbCl5 as a catalyst.Difluoromethane is often used as a fire extinguishant due to its ability to undergo endothermic processes.Other uses of difluoromethane include its use as aerosol propellants, blowing agents, and solvents.

Difluoromethane (CH2F2) is used in plasma etching of silicon layers.


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