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High Purity Ethane Gas (C2H6) Hydrocarbon Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Ethane , Compressed
  • DOT Classification 2.1
  • DOT Label Flammable Gas
  • UN Number UN 1035
  • CAS No. 74-84-9
  • CGA/JIS/BS341/DIN477 350/W22-14L/NO.2/NO.1
  • Shipped as Liquefied Gas

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Purity , % 99.5 99.995 99.999
Oxygen ≤  25 ppm ≤  2 ppm ≤  3 ppm
Nitrogen ≤  100 ppm ≤  5 ppm ≤  1 ppm
Carbon Monoxide+ Carbon Dioxide  ≤  30 ppm ≤  4 ppm ≤  2 ppm
Other Hydrocarbons  ≤  4000 ppm ≤  40 ppm ≤  6 ppm
Water  ≤ 10  ppm ≤  5 ppm ≤  3 ppm

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Liquid 
Flammable Limits In Air  3–12.5 %
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C ) 515
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 30.069
Specific gravity (air =1) 1.038
Critical Temperature ( °C ) 32.27
Critical Pressure ( psig ) 693.09


Ethane  is a colourless, odourless, nontoxic, flammable, liquified gas.Ethane is a naturally occurring organic chemical compound with chemical formula C2H6. At standard temperature and pressure, ethane is a colorless, odorless gas. Like many hydrocarbons, ethane is isolated on an industrial scale from natural gas and as a petrochemical by-product of petroleum refining.The chief use of ethane is the production of ethylene (ethene) by steam cracking. When diluted with steam and briefly heated to very high temperatures (900 °C or more), heavy hydrocarbons break down into lighter hydrocarbons, and saturated hydrocarbons become unsaturated. Ethane is favored for ethylene production because the steam cracking of ethane is fairly selective for ethylene, while the steam cracking of heavier hydrocarbons yields a product mixture poorer in ethylene and richer in heavier alkenes (olefins), such as propene (propylene) and butadiene, and in aromatic hydrocarbons.
Ethane can be used as a refrigerant in cryogenic refrigeration systems. On a much smaller scale, in scientific research, liquid ethane is used to vitrify water-rich samples for cryo-electron microscopy. A thin film of water quickly immersed in liquid ethane at −150 °C or colder freezes too quickly for water to crystallize. Slower freezing methods can generate cubic ice crystals, which can disrupt soft structures by damaging the samples and reduce image quality by scattering the electron beam before it can reach the detector.


● In the manufacturing of chemical intermediates
● In ionization chambers used in subatomic species measurement
● In the manufacturing of calibration mixtures. 


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