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High Purity Hexafluorobutadiene Gas (C4F6) Fluorocarbon Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable,n.o.s.(HEXAFLUORO-1,3-BUTADIENE)
  • DOT Classification 2.1 , 2.3
  • DOT Label Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable
  • UN Number UN 3160
  • CAS No. 685-63-21
  • CGA/DISS 638
  • Shipped as Liquefied gas

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Purity , % 99.9
Argon+Oxygen  ≤10 ppmv
Nitrogen ≤40 ppmv
Carbon Dioxide ≤20 ppmv
Carbon Monoxide ≤7 ppmv
Other Halocarbons  ≤700 ppmv
Hydrogen Fluoride ≤10 ppmv

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Liquid
Flammable Limits In Air 
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C )
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 162.03
Specific gravity (air =1)
Critical Temperature ( °C ) 139.6
Critical Pressure ( psig )


Hexafluorobutadiene (C4F6) is a colorless, odorless, and non-toxic gas at room temperature. It is a fully fluorinated diene with the molecular formula C4F6 and is used in various industrial applications due to its properties. Hexafluorobutadiene is not readily soluble in water due to its non-polar nature but may have some solubility in non-polar organic solvents.C4F6 has a relatively low thermal conductivity, which is typical for gases, especially those with heavy atoms like fluorine.Hexafluorobutadiene is less reactive than other unsaturated hydrocarbons due to the strong electronegativity of the fluorine atoms. However, it can still undergo addition reactions and polymerize under certain conditions.

C4F6 is used as a feedstock in the production of various fluoropolymers, which have applications in the chemical, electronic, and medical industries.It is also used in the semiconductor industry for processes such as plasma etching.Although hexafluorobutadiene is generally considered non-toxic, it can displace oxygen in the air and lead to asphyxiation if not properly ventilated.It is important to handle and use hexafluorobutadiene with appropriate safety measures to prevent fires and explosions, especially when it comes into contact with ignition sources.

In summary, the physical properties of hexafluorobutadiene, including its density, phase transition points, solubility, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and reactivity, make it a valuable compound in the chemical industry for the production of fluoropolymers and in specific applications in the semiconductor industry. Its handling and use must be managed carefully to ensure safety and prevent environmental impact.

This is a next gereration core material required to minimize circuit line widths and depths in LSI production processes . This dry etching gas is used to micro contact hole etching processes . For any specialty gas based on a CxFy Formula , the less the fraction F/C becomes, the more CF2 radicals are generated . As the fraction is lower for C4F6 than for C2F6 and C3F8 , more CF2 radicals are generated , which , in turn, etches oxide films . Therefore , C4F6 has a higher selectivity for oxide films and allows for more even etching .  


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