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High Purity Hexafluoroethane Gas (C2F6) Fluorocarbon Gases

  • DOT Shipping Name Hexafluoroethane Compressed
  • DOT Classification 2.2
  • DOT Label non-flammable Gas
  • UN Number UN2193
  • CAS No. 76-16-4
  • CGA/DISS/JIS 660/716/W22-14L
  • Shipped as liquefied Gas

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Purity , % 99.9 99.999
Oxygen  ≤80 ppmv ≤1.0 ppmv
Nitrogen ≤300 ppmv ≤4.0 ppmv
Carbon Dioxide ≤50ppmv ≤0.5ppmv
Carbon Monoxide ≤30 ppmv ≤0.5 ppmv
Methane  ≤30 ppmv ≤0.5 ppmv
Water  ≤10 ppmv ≤1.5 ppmv
CF4 ≤100 ppmv ≤1.0 ppmv
Other Organics  ≤400 ppmv ≤2.0 ppmv
Acidity as HCL  ≤1.0 ppmw ≤0.1 ppmw

Technical Information

Cylinder State @ 21.1°C  Liquid
Flammable Limits In Air  Non-flammable 
Auto Ignition Temperature (°C ) -
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 138.01
Specific gravity (air =1) 4.82
Critical Temperature ( °C ) 19.65
Critical Pressure ( psig ) 417.5


Hexafluoroethane is the perfluorocarbon counterpart to the hydrocarbon ethane. It is a non-flammable gas negligibly soluble in water and slightly soluble in methanol. It is an extremely potent and long-lived greenhouse gas.Hexafluoroethane is used as a versatile etchant in semiconductor manufacturing. It can be used for selective etching of metal silicides and oxides versus their metal substrates and also for etching of silicon dioxide over silicon.Together with trifluoromethane it is used in refrigerants R508A (61%) and R508B (54%).It is used as a tamponade to assist in retinal reattachment following vitreoretinal surgery.

Insulation gas and plasma etching agent.


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