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CAS No. 115-07-1 Propylene Supplier. Characteristics of Propylene


The CAS number 115-07-1 corresponds to propylene, which is also known as propene. Propylene is a significant industrial chemical used in the production of various materials, including plastics. Here are some characteristics of propylene and information about suppliers:

Characteristics of Propylene (Propene):
Chemical Formula: C3H6
Boiling Point: Approximately -47.7 °C (225.45 K, -53.86 °F)
Melting Point: Approximately -185.3 °C (87.85 K, -297.5 °F)
Density: Approximately 0.514 g/cm³ at 25 °C (77 °F; 298 K)
Solubility: Slightly soluble in water, more soluble in organic solvents
Appearance: Colorless gas at room temperature and pressure
Flammability: Highly flammable over a wide range of concentrations in air
Production of polypropylene, a common thermoplastic polymer
Production of propylene oxide, which is used in the manufacture of polyurethanes
Production of acrylic acid and acrylate esters
As a raw material for other chemicals like glycols and alcohols
As a fuel in certain applications
Suppliers of Propylene:
Propylene is produced by major petrochemical companies worldwide. Some of the largest suppliers include:Shanghai Wechem Chemical Co., Ltd. has advanced equipment and analytical technology in its laboratory, ensuring that we can carry out precise product quality control and testing. We adopt a strict quality management system, monitoring and managing every step from raw material procurement to production to ensure that the products we provide meet the highest quality standards. If you need this product, please feel free to contact us anytime!
Safety Considerations:
Propylene should be handled with care due to its flammability and potential to form explosive mixtures with air.
Adequate ventilation is necessary when working with propylene to avoid inhalation hazards.
Storage should be in well-ventilated areas away from sources of ignition.
If you need more specific information about a particular supplier or additional details about propylene, feel free to ask!