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CAS No. 7439-90-9 Wholesale Krypton. Krypton Supplier


CAS Number 7439-90-9 identifies Krypton, a noble gas known for its unique properties and several specialized applications. Here are the key characteristics and details about Krypton:
Chemical Symbol:Kr
Physical Properties:
Appearance: Krypton is an odorless, colorless, inert gas at room temperature and standard pressure.
Atomic Number: 36
Atomic Mass: 83.798 u (unified atomic mass units)
Boiling Point: -153.4°C (-244.1°F) at 1 atm
Melting Point: -157.4°C (-251.3°F) at 1 atm
Density: About 3.75 times heavier than air at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure)
Chemical Properties:
Non-Reactivity: Being a noble gas, Krypton is highly unreactive and does not readily form compounds under normal conditions.
Stability: Exceptionally stable due to its complete electron shells.
Uses and Applications:
Lighting: Krypton is used in some types of high-intensity lighting, including photographic flashes and specialized light bulbs like those used in lighthouses and airport runway lights, due to its ability to emit bright white light when excited electrically.
Lasers: Krypton lasers are employed in various applications such as laser surgery, spectroscopy, and holography.
Welding: Mixed with argon, it is used as a shielding gas in certain types of welding to protect the weld area from atmospheric contamination.
Radiometry and Photometry: Serves as a reference standard for calibration of these measuring devices.
Leak Detection: Due to its high molecular weight and non-toxicity, krypton is used as a tracer gas for detecting leaks in sealed systems.
Special Characteristics:
Rare: Krypton is a rare gas found in trace amounts in the Earth's atmosphere (about 1 part per million by volume).
Monatomic: Under standard conditions, krypton exists as individual atoms rather than molecules.
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